Discovering Our Calling
Discovering Calling
Calling refers to the work that God created us to do. God formed and refined each of us with unique traits and gifts. He uses our milestones and mundane moments to equip us and shape our perspective. Our purpose, becoming the person God created us to be, may be universal, but our calling is incredibly unique. We must first discover our calling to pursue it as God intended.
Gift of Work
We often have to address certain negative connotations we associate with our idea of work so we can recognize it as the gift God intended it to be. I hope we’ve all experienced the joy and accomplishment of diligently completing a challenging project or task that positively impacted a purpose greater than ourselves. Remembering that contented satisfaction can motivate us to discover and pursue God’s calling for our lives and settle for nothing less. We get so caught up in clearing our to-do lists and inboxes that we miss the mark. Setting unrealistic productivity expectations, accomplishing inconsequential tasks at the expense of things that matter greatly, or doing the right work with the wrong motives causes us to label work as a burden. After further assessment, we realize that our problem isn’t with “work,” but the unfulfillment of accomplishing the wrong tasks, misguided expectations, and questionable motives.
Calling Leaves Clues
Calling is a two-part adventure. We must first discover our calling, then we must relentlessly pursue it. Some people seem to have their calling figured out from a very young age, but for most of us, calling leaves faint clues. For instance, when most kids were dreaming of becoming doctors and astronauts in first grade, I shared with the class that I wanted to be a squirrel. Even as a child, I thought outside the box, hated being trapped indoors on someone else’s schedule, and didn’t mind being a little different. In second grade, I wanted to be a first-grade teacher. In third grade, I wanted to be a second-grade teacher. Looking back, I always wanted to share any valuable new lessons with the next person. I loved reading and creating little book summaries for my friends and family. As a teenager, I could spend hours on the planner aisle at the office supply store, and my closest friends and family got more unsolicited goal-setting advice than they ever wanted. Squirrel, teacher, book reports, planners, and goal setting - quite the random list, but they were all tiny clues. I am passionate about applying timeless Biblical truths and using modern resources and data to refine, optimize, and improve. My fulfillment comes from helping others do the same. What work feels like fun? How can you share it with others?
Stewardship during Discovery
As I mentioned, our calling is rarely clear at a young age but is usually revealed as we pursue God and assess our traits, resources, and experiences. What we do during the discovery season builds our integrity and character. There are no perfect jobs, but some are particularly unfulfilling, unenjoyable, and ill-suited for our unique gifts and experiences. When we humbly serve with exceptional stewardship, even in those roles, we build our perseverance and glorify God. I have always been cautious about labeling any season as a “waiting” season. I’m sure I’ve had them, but I chose to frame them differently. Each season has something to teach us. We can’t be sure what God is doing behind the scenes in these seasons, but we can be confident that He works all things for the good of those who have been called according to his purpose. So, for those of us moving through a season of discovery and preparation, we need to glorify God with our diligence and integrity in the “small” things. God may reveal insights as we reflect on our traits, gifts, and experiences while boldly seeking him through prayer and scripture.
Courageous Steps of Faith
We may be tempted to linger in a season of preparation for longer than we’re supposed to. Thankfully, calling isn’t a two-thousand-page instruction manual because we’d probably never start if we knew everything required. We can’t wait until we feel ready. If we hesitate to take our next step into calling, we must determine if it’s a fear-based freeze or a faith-based pause. We don’t want to leave a season without extracting the value we were meant to receive from it. God has a way of giving us exactly what we need, exactly when we need it. It’s called daily bread for a reason. When we hear God’s call, it’s time to start taking courageous steps of faith, even if we don’t have the full instruction manual yet.
Perseverance during Pursuit
Once calling is discovered, it’s time to invest our time, talent, and treasure in our most important work. We may think we want options, but dividing resources often dilutes our outcomes. When we feel clarity around the work God calls us to do, it should become our resolute pursuit. I’ve noticed things typically go slideways when I make some progress on my most important work. We’ll have little distractions that test our resolve. We’ll have lucrative opportunities to return to work within our comfort zone. We’ll have missteps, feedback, and doubts that cause us to second-guess our calling. During these moments, we have a decision to make: we can step back into our comfort zone or boldly persevere in our calling.
What’s one step you can take today to discover or pursue your calling with perseverance?
Faith Encouragement:
Ephesians 2:10 - For we are God's handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.
Romans 11:29 - for God’s gifts and his call are irrevocable.
Jeremiah 1:5 - Before I formed you in the womb I knew you, before you were born I set you apart; I appointed you as a prophet to the nations.”
Ephesians 4:1 - As a prisoner for the Lord, then, I urge you to live a life worthy of the calling you have received.
2 Timothy 1:9 - He has saved us and called us to a holy life—not because of anything we have done but because of his own purpose and grace. This grace was given us in Christ Jesus before the beginning of time