Transcendent Purpose 

Have you ever experienced a season of great success, yet felt hollow despite the victories? Have you wrestled with questions like ‘What's this all for? Does it matter? Do I matter?’ Have you experienced accomplishments falling underwhelmingly short of expectations knowing something is missing? That was my struggle when Transcendent Purpose transformed life as I knew it. I couldn’t see how my work tied into the bigger picture. I compartmentalized the various areas of my life. I cut out anything that failed to fit neatly and tangibly within the limitations of my orderly understanding, which guaranteed that I missed the exceptional waiting just on the other side. After exhausting and unfulfilling efforts, I’d retreat to the pages of my Bible to read about the life of Jesus, who somehow managed to live well despite an unfinished task list at the end of every day. There were always people to see and miracles to do, yet he willingly sacrificed the “good” on his agenda to live in perfect step with the “exceptional” that God purposed for him. He had a transcendent purpose. What’s mind-blowing to me is that God has an “exceptional” for each of us as well, but first, we must be willing to surrender the limitations of our “good” in exchange for His perfect will. When we focus our energy on our responsibility, the natural work of our calling, we can trust God to handle the supernatural outcomes through His divine providence. Transcendent purpose occurs when we resolve to rise to our greatest potential as we diligently work on our unique mission in alignment with God’s plan, timing, and provision (divine providence). 


Pursuing a calling and fulfilling our potential without being in the center of God’s Will feels like an uphill battle. Satisfaction is rare and fleeting. It is an endless pursuit of the next brief dopamine rush of accomplishment. Unsteady circumstances easily steal our peace and joy. Being in the center of God’s will doesn’t guarantee an easy life, rather we are told to expect trouble, but God’s perfect peace is always available to us through the difficult times. Spending time with Him is the quickest way to access God’s perfect peace and discern His will. That makes sense, right? Investing our time, love, and presence is the key to strengthening any relationship. Religion without a relationship becomes a burden. But as we spend more time in prayer, in His Word, and in fellowship with other believers, it becomes easier for us to seek and find His will in most situations. Living within God’s presence is rocket fuel for our calling and purpose. Though we can accomplish some things without it, it’s more difficult and less fulfilling without a connection to our source of all good things. Aside from the incomparable gift of His presence, I’ve noticed two major benefits of looking for His Divine Providence in my life. 

apple, picking, fruit


First, our gracious Creator loves providing for us. He provides for us in natural, practical ways - sunlight, water, air, and the countless miraculous wonders we take for granted every day. He also provides for us in supernatural ways. He gifts us with spiritual wisdom, courage, and strength when we need it most. He also puts valuable resources, advocates, and opportunities in our path. As we spend more time with Him, he helps us turn away from our self-sabotaging prideful tendencies and guides us to humbly walk with the Holy Spirit who produces good fruit in our lives. When we are Spirit-led, our life overflows with love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. Who wouldn’t want more of those things? As we examine our lives more closely, we see that God’s provision has no gaps. We realize that we need much less than we thought, and yet He provides abundantly and exceedingly more than we ask for or deserve. As we continue to learn how to be wise stewards according to Biblical principles, it seems that more and more is given to us to manage. 


Second, our loving Creator had the forethought to put eternity in our hearts as a reminder this world is not our home. The Bible urges us to use our limited time to shine God’s loving light in this dark, decaying world. The transformative love, mercy, and grace of God compels us to extend that same radical love to others. God’s children should be known by the faith and truth they speak, but most importantly by the faith and love they put into action. We may feel resistance as we live out our faith because this world has shifting values and priorities that are often in direct conflict with the values of God’s Kingdom. Kingdom Values promote caring for the widows, orphans, and the poor, visiting the sick and imprisoned, and loving our neighbors, enemies, and strangers. The world promotes ‘treat yourself,’ ‘look out for number one,’ and ‘follow your bliss.’ In our short time on this Earth, the greatest danger most Christians face is to become so focused on building a life here that we forget this world is temporary. The only work that matters and will be eternally fulfilling is that which God calls us to complete. That’s the heart of Transcendent Purpose. Our calling should be bigger than us to have eternal effects. If we can accomplish it without God’s help, it’s probably as temporary as those autumn leaves. Transcendent Purpose is always found within God’s Will. It always results in His Glory and our good even if the benefits are not something we immediately understand. After all, God’s ‘exceptional’ plan for our lives is often just outside our current understanding. 

Leave Empty 

Dying empty may be the greatest indication of a life well lived. It might sound morbid, but allow me to clarify. At the end of my life, I want every gift I receive to have been wisely invested and developed. We are more likely to count the lives we’ve impacted than the possessions we’ve acquired as we take the final inventory of our lives. I’ve realized that my God loves multiplying, so perhaps the only way to sustain the outpouring of His love is to be a conduit. I’d rather my life resemble a river than a swamp. Maybe it’s through pouring out everything we have to give that we can experience true fulfillment. I’m constantly challenged to emulate His radical generosity, and yet I find it impossible to outgive God. He provides everything needed to pursue the eternal mission we’ve been called to complete. We experience Transcendent Purpose as we surrender our ‘good’ plan for God’s ‘exceptional’ divine providence.  

Faith Encouragement: 

  • Romans 8:18 I consider that our present sufferings are not worth comparing with the glory that will be revealed in us.
  • John 15:5 “I am the vine; you are the branches. If you remain in me and I in you, you will bear much fruit; apart from me you can do nothing.”
  • Ephesians 2:10 For we are God’s handiwork, created in Christ Jesus to do good works, which God prepared in advance for us to do.


Finding Freedom in Forgiveness


Healthy Alignment